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Do more with Livebook
There’s much to do with Livebook and its awesome collaborative features.
Here is a sneak peak:
Interactive data
Build charts, tables, and more to explore your data. Or use reactive
inputs to allow readers to directly interact with your notebook.
Collaborate as a team
Multiple users can work on the same notebook at once. It works
out-of-the-box either in single-node or multi-node deployments
without additional tools.
Reproducible workflows
Livebook ensures your code runs in a predictable order, all the
way down to package management. It also tracks your notebook
state, annotating which parts are stale.
Productivity at your fingertips
Livebook's code editor supports autocompletion, inline
documentation, code formatting, and more. Plus keyboard shortcuts
throughout the notebook.
Share it! Version it!
Notebooks are .livemd files, a subset of Markdown with
flowcharts, mathematical formulas, and more. They can be
easily shared and play well with version control.
Not familiar with Elixir?
Once Livebook is up and running, check out the Explore section to learn
more about the language, the platform, and Livebook itself.
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